Daniel is a photographer who provides a creative service in a fun and meaningful way. His photography is unique, largely influenced by his time spent in nature, quiet contemplation of worldly philosophies and the inspiring opportunities that have been experienced through his passionate nature working as a professional photographer.
Daniel enjoys working on challenging projects with cooperative creatives where the focus is on making meaningful representations that not only are awe inspiring but have effective communication to the consumer in-line with an intended vision and practiced values.
Daniel is an award winning artist who has worked with big and small companies, infamous and famous people but at the end of the day when he wants to talk about himself he'll refer to his passion being a father, lover, brother and friend and what he is practicing in his life to afford a lifestyle where he can enjoy these relationships, feel good and enjoy all the moments.
In 2012 Daniel fell 3 stories through sky light while helping his plumber brother on a job. Its a miracle he survived. Fortunately a helicopter ride to the gold coast hospital enables him to receive life saving surgeries while in an induced coma. Shattered bones and a brain hemorrhage were among the injuries.
Daniel had launched his photography business just a few weeks earlier and came out of the coma 2 weeks later wanting to be in life more than ever with an overwhelming appreciation for his family and friends. At this time he had no recollection about his previous life and transcended his karma many times in a conscious state while having a near death experience (NDE) in the coma. Daniel was reborn at this time a new soul, fully open to the world and wondering why people were not like him. Over the next days, weeks, months and years Daniel worked tirelessly on himself to be a better new improved version of himself.
Good luck is preparation and opportunity meeting. Fortunately, Daniel had been learning helpful philosophies to live by and developing soul enriching practices which served him well in a natural recovery without the need for drugs and in alignment with nature and our innate healing powers. He had also been soaring high in his photography with an established network of fellow artists and a recognition of his work. When he realised this skill set and creative drive, he immediately went back to practicing the art of the lens.
It was just 3 months later an up and coming wedding photographer hired him to be a second shooter which led to working with another photographer and a wedding booking for the next year. And then in another 5 months he was creating images for the World Surfing League which ended up going viral on social media as well as fling around the world in press releases due to the unique images he was taking. His energy was producing amazing imagery and he could see that the people he photographed found it easy to be themselves and have a good time around him.
Fast forward to today, Daniel still loves creating moving images while looking through a curious-fun-filled lens. He is now a loving husband and father of two children (and a dog named Olive) and enjoys working in his passion while flying high with his family.